Wednesday, June 4


I received this from a friend of mine today. She's such a doll to think of me LOL

Here at JFK with some time to check into the internets before departure. This country is fucked (jee, i hope not!) so I'm trotting aboot to Toronto where, you know, it's a happy place, eh?

There 'till next Tuesday, weekend with cousin and her new wife (as of May, they visited us and took my washer/dryer back home in March). First, tonight, I hang the new photo show I made for Seattle (which never got the time it deserved on the walls, that's another story) at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto. No, they're not putting me up there, also another story. Instead, I have been placed in, what I first was hating, a B&B which I hear happens to be precisely on the corner of ground zero for Gay Toronto. Let's see how things work out. I have an estranged side of the family I've planned to reunite with by bringing them to the show on Sunday, but it seems that play may go astray (family can be a challenge). Saturday is the girls' night to see the program. Friday is opening night, followed by a mega-party at the Royal Museum for the festival's opening. Summer cocktail attire, how fun.
By then I'll have a photo exhibit as part of Luminato Festival 2008.

Ah yes... internets. (A friend) uses that word whenever possible as ridicule for our loser-prez, I see it as a way to protest. When speaking of the internets, whenever possible I shall use his word, and ferociously go under quick verbal attack of the lame-brain lame duck, until he walks out of that White House and goes back to the ranch where he belongs. I can only hope you all where right (O v. H)

Here's to January 2009.

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