Monday, August 4

The ideal Post

Sometimes my mind draws blanks, stimulus that work to draw attention. Raised to staying tuned, I learned to pay strict attention to detail in my later years, by those that lent themselves to true friendship.

I've been meaning to express myself on Murakami, my Japanese idol of the decade (I.M. Pei, you shall always have a special part of me too; live long as you have prospered) at the end of his run at the Brooklyn Museum but words simply have failed because my laptop has been reduced to less-than appropriate standards.

The Letter T holds a special story all for itself here, and it comes from Fire Island, where we spent a week with new, old and odd friends...

Meanwhile, my dear friend BRASILIFIED08, whom I'm known and loved for 10 years, has just arrived into town from 3 months - and what felt like 6 weeks - in South America. She's a gem and we're taking tomorrow to spend together. No time like the present, though she's here now so no ime to write, no worries... he missing T and lack of ime keep me away from this for now bu I'll be back. More soon...

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